California Labor Commissioner Publishes New Whistleblower Protection Posting
Topics: Personnel Policies and Procedures
In July 2024, Governor Newsom signed AB 2299 into law. AB 2299 enacted sections 98.11 and 1102.8 of the California Labor Code. Section 98.11 requires the California Labor Commissioner to create a model list of employees' rights and responsibilities under the state's whistleblower laws and put it on its website. Section 1102.8(a) requires all California employers to post the model list prominently in the workplace and to ensure that the lettering is at least 14 14-point typeface. The statute also requires that the California State Attorney General’s Whistleblower Hotline phone number be included in the posting (1-800-952-5225).
Within the last week, the California Labor Commissioner created the model document and posted it on its website, available here. All California employers should prominently display this poster where other workplace posters are displayed, and ensure that the poster typeface is at least 14-point and includes the above phone number.